These babes are some of the most incredible and captivating crystals I have ever seen. A magical union and natural occurrence when Carnelian grows harmoniously with the Flower Agate over millions of years. These babes embody passion and drive of the Carnelian as well as gentleness and nurturing energy of the Flower Agate. A stunning firework display of astonishing colours and bandings, something you definitely must have in your crystal collection.
Carnelian energy is one that will invigorate you from inside-out and give you that motivation and drive you need to go after the big goals in your life. Carnelian is considered to be one amongst the love stones as it attracts passion, lust and romance. It is a gemstone that inspires you to be true to yourself and appreciate your power. Carnelian with their reddish-orange hue also provide a sense of grounding that can carry you through any challenge. This stone summons happiness, restores spirit, and turns anger into inspiration and a love of life and living. It is also known to be a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage.
Flower Agate has a gentle, and nourishing energy resembling a field of flowers. The circles and dots represent seeds and the floral plumes represent the blossom, reminding us that we start out as seeds, then blossom and grow. Flower Agate helps us envision the process of growth, honoring and appreciating each part of the process. Flower Agate helps us reach our highest potential, protecting us from fears and self-doubt. This captivating gem is a crystal of manifesting our potential, fighting fear, and laying the foundation for meaningful growth. It acts as a metaphysical fertilizer for our intentions to give them a loving boost and an energized helping hand.